The perfect studio:

sunlight studio

Studio 1 is the perfect choice for all photographers: its south-west orientation allows you to take advantage of natural sunlight, but if you prefer more controlled conditions, you can easily darken the room.

The sunlit studio also has separate make-up, hairdressing and dressing areas, so you can prepare for your shoot in maximum comfort and professional conditions. Everything you need to look your best in front of the camera and present yourself with confidence.
Rooms 1 and 2 have been designed with an endless white background, but we are flexible to your needs and can provide any other type of background, be it paper, canvas or backdrop panel, a fixed fine art background will be added soon!

The advantages of Studio 1 Sunshine

You can work almost all day long with natural light.

In our Sunshine Studio we have plenty of natural light, all day long. You can also partially darken this studio.

Infinite white background

Rooms 1 and 2 have been built with an endless white background, but we can also provide you with a different background (paper, canvas, background panel).

Separate make-up, changing and hairdressing area

Both studios have their own make-up, hairdressing and dressing areas, where you can prepare for your photo shoot in comfortable and professional conditions.

Two spacious studios

Do you need sunlight
or perfect darkness?

Open: 6am - 10pm

If you go beyond these dates,
contact us, we'll talk about it!

Professional equipment
You can rent additional professional

photographer equipment at our studio too.
Strong Wifi presence awaits you
in all spaces of our photo studio.
Freight elevator
With the help of our freight elevator
you can bring almost any prop into the studio.
Central parking

You can park 20m from the studio.

Take a look at our photo studio 1!

Photo studio rental prices

Our opening hours: Every day between 6am - 10pm. If you need to go beyond these hours, please contact us and we will discuss it!

Amennyiben csak 1 órára szeretnéd foglalni valamelyik stúdiónkat, az minden nap, minden időpontban csak 13000Ft.


Weekdays, from 8am to 8pm, rental for several hours

Bármely fotóstúdió bérlése több órás bérlés esetén, hétköznap 8:00 és 20:00 között csak 12 000 Ft/óra -ba kerül.

12 000



For an hour, or at weekends and nights

Ha csak egy órára bérelnél vagy ha hétvégente, illetve este 8 és reggel 8 között bérelnél, a bérlése 13 000 Ft /óra.

13 000



Enteriőr stúdió

Az enteriőr stúdió bérlése hétköznap 8:00 és 20:00 óra között 11 000 Ft/óra (egy órás bérlés esetén 12 000 Ft/óra.

11 000



Renting the whole studio

Ebben az esetben mindhárom stúdió csak a tiéd (2 nagy fotóstúdió, enteriőr, előtér, konyha fürdőszoba.)

19 000


Contact us

Do you have a question or

would like to book a studio?

+36 20 928 66 40

For an hour, or at weekends and nights

Ha csak egy órára bérelnél vagy ha hétvégente, illetve este 8 és reggel 8 között bérelnél, a bérlése nettó 12 000 Ft /óra.


12 000



Weekdays, from 8am to 8pm, rental for several hours

Bármely fotóstúdió bérlése több órás bérlés esetén, hétköznap 8:00 és 20:00 között csak nettó 11 000 Ft/óra -ba kerül.


11 000



Renting the whole studio

In this case both studios are exclusively at your service (2 large studios, hallways, kitchen and bathroom).


18 000

